Atlas HealingAtlasprofilax and Eternal Light Healing
In North London and South West London

Energy work with Maria


Opening to the Light within


What is Eternal Light ® Healing?

Eternal Light ® is a high vibrational healing system anchored on Earth by the very gifted Shimara Kumara, of which the base energy is called GAIA. It comprises different planetary energies each of them with its unique quality that will come through during the session as needed.
These beautiful healing energies are channelled through the hands of the practitioner and work on all levels. Body, mind and spirit can be balanced and realigned having a very powerful effect on the health of the recipient.

The Eternal Light ® healing system is the foundation of my energy work and the way I experience life.

Join our fortnightly Earth Healing meditation on Fridays at 7.00 pm UK Contact me to get your Zoom link. This is a live event that is not recorded


 Eternal Light healing  ® sessions. blancasobreblaco

What happens during a session

Usually after a short consultation, we will ask you to lay fully clothed on the couch, with your eyes closed.
We prefer to work in silence, but you are welcome to share details of what you are experiencing, if this seems important to you.
While you are on the couch, we will scan and read your energy field and channel healing frequencies as needed

The energies can be felt like waves of warmth in the body. It can be a very nourishing experience. After a session usually clients feel safe, pampered and energised.
We will ask you to be open to receiving any changes that the Universe has in store for you.

Please bear in mind that no two sessions are the same. As we progress in the work, different layers of physical pain, belief systems, and old trauma will be released leading to a more whole and centred self.

What is it for?

Eternal Light healing ® is an excellent energiser. It can help with chronic conditions, stress situations and also to find clarity of mind in complex situations.
Eternal Light healing ® sessions are the perfect platform for personal growth.

I have worked with clients dealing with Childhood Trauma, with new mums that found overwhelming their task, with teenagers, with adults lost in the pain of bereavement or divorce.

During a session I will create and hold a sacred space where you can let go and just be.

Contact me for more information




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